Musical Director: Rory McCleery
Accompanist: Colin Spinks
President: Jonathan Rathbone
Barnet Choral Society was founded in 1940 and currently has around 80 members. We provide an opportunity to learn and enjoy choral music in a relaxed and positive atmosphere with occasional workshops that are usually open to all interested singers.
We are a non-auditioned, adult choir and welcome singers of all abilities with a mix of material which we hope will suit everybody. Our repertoire has ranged from old to new, from sacred works to opera choruses and folk songs, from light-hearted to serious and from straightforward to difficult. Click here for a list of many of the works we have performed since the society was founded.
Performing mainly in Barnet we give four concerts a year using professional soloists and orchestras where appropriate.
There is more information on joining us here.
For any other questions email enquiries@barnetchoralsociety.org.